Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lesson 3 Team 1 Reflection

During this lesson I have been extremely proud of the way our team came together to get our Lesson 5 presentation together. Most of us were caught a little off guard, because we had not looked ahead, but the group responded magnificently! Thanks to Dallas we came up with a superb topic and have been working from there. Sometimes it can be taken for granted that you will always find a good group in these classes and after speaking to other students I have realized what a special group we have. Everyone is very talented and works together flawlessly. With a deadline approaching and backs against the wall, this is the group to have!

Initially it was challenging trying to figure out what to do for the upcoming elluminate presentation, but as a group that challenge was overcome quite quickly. It is hard to say that anything has really been challenging when there is a solid team working together as this group has been. Probably the biggest challenge is communication at conflicting schedules, but using different forms of communication and online collaboration this group has been able to overcome that challenge with ease.

I think that one of the better technology strategies that has been learned from this lesson is the use of diigo. I for one struggled with this technology early on, but the use of the discussion posting for diigo has been tremendous. I really like that we can share our bookmarks with Delicious and then highlight areas of importance for each other/others using diigo. I was a bit slow in picking up this web 2.0 technology, but now that I have a grasp on it I think the other group members will agree it is invaluable. It allows for users to investigate a resource at leisure and prepare comments for others for when they have the leisure to explore. It definitely bridges the communication gap when it comes to when different people have time to explore various sources.

Group one has definitley benefited from the information learned in this lesson. It will go a long way in assisting us for our group presentation during lesson 5. Additonally, lesson 3 has provided a great opporunity to dive into the subject of digital literacy. It is intersting to think that just having a base knowledge of computers does not mean that you are digitally literate. This lesson has highlighted the importance of being literate in all things digital in an era where mobile technologies are so important to communication as well as a means to connecting to valuable information. We have definitely seen it, however, in the use of Twitter, Facebook, and other Web 2.0 technologies.

1 comment:

  1. Overwhelmed is not uncommon in networking learning environments! As learners and educators, we need to identify a best way to organize and manage our network learning environments. Whenever I am working on my computer, I keep all my iGoogle tabs open so I can monitor my own learning and teaching.

    How’s the progress of AT9 Network Learning Training? We will open the training sessions for public to attend. It would be a good experience for us to teach and train others to learn networking learning environments and personal learning environments.
    We are about half way through the semester. Don’t give up! :-)
