Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lesson 2 Reflection: A Taste of the Next Generation...

The next generation has been labeled the "mashup culture of uncertainty who face an unknown future." They are distinct from previous generations in that they don't consider uncertainty to be stressful. Actually, what stresses this new generation is "predictability." They enjoy flying by the seat of the pants, taking life as it comes, reacting to wants and needs in the moment. They don't care so much for rigid expectations, mundane busy work, and rule-laden environments.

The previous generation suffered future shock which is just the opposite. Future shock is the fear that we don't have time to prepare for what's before us. My generation prefers the predictable over the alternative. We don't mind thinking outside the box as long as we have a box to begin with!

When these two worlds collide, they produce what I have been experiencing this semester. I was beginning to murmur to myself about how confused I was with regard to assignments and due dates in my three classes. I was searching for something predictable, rigid, scheduled, only to find inconsistencies between calendars, syllabi, and lesson instructions. I was flabbergasted!

Then it dawned on me. Here I am studying about education and learning in the techno-age and among the mashup culture. This is the world they expect; the world in which they're coming of age. They don't know future shock as we do. Their "norm" is different from ours.

This has been my experience. And this is only my opinion. I guess I could say, this semester my understanding has been broadened. My concepts are being dropped. New paradigms are coming into view. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. It is great to reading reflection and get inspired by your thoughts.

    Very interesting thoughts on different generations' thought on predictability. Some look for eternality while some seek for change.

    Eternality leads to stable life while change leads to anxiety. When EKG line is flat, we are dead. Is it what we call stable?

    We tend to like grab every moment we experienced; however, none of us is really able to do it. What are we pursuing? Are we pursuing "change" and "differences?" What do change and differences mean to our life?

